Bernina 770QE Accessories

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Starts and Stops

 How to start and stop your machine quilting?

Many advocate tiny stitches. I have been doing this including going backwards but I don't like the thread build-up.

Others pull all threads to the front, tie and bury. This is much more time-consuming. 

Videos I have watched give tips. If doing it with a machine do 4/5 micro stitches but no backwards stitching, bring bobbin threads to the front and just clip off. If tying, do no micro stitches just pull to the front, tie stitches together about half an inch from the top and bury. One tip is to use a self-threading needle.

Maybe it's time to experiment with both and decide what I like best, both the look and how much work is involved. I know I am over messy starts and stops. Maybe I can add some photos. 

Instructions from one quilter:

Do not use micro stitches.

Do leave a long enough tail to tie a knot with.

Quilt the line. At the end, leave enough thread tail to tie a knot by hand. Six inches is usually enough. At the ending stitch, tug on the needle thread to work the bobbin thread to the top.

Knot the starting thread tails together by tying a square knot. This knot should be about a quarter of an inch away from the quilt top. Thread a hand-sewing needle with these knotted thread tails. Insert the needle into the hole of the first stitch and push it into and through the centre of the batting for about a half inch. Pull the threaded needle through and out of the top. Trim your thread tails close to the top of the quilt. Repeat as needed.

By burying the thread tails in the batting there is little chance of them shadowing or showing through the top of the quilt. If possible, run the needle along an existing line of quilting to further camouflage the thread tail if the top fabric is light and your thread is dark.

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