Some examples of different ways of doing this:
Stab Stitching
And this blog post is pretty traditional quilting but big stitch - it's not clear how many stitches are going on the needle before she pulls it through.
Big Stitch Hand Quilting with Sarah Fielke She has written a book but it comes with a set of threads.
Plus she makes her own needles and is an author of many books - modern based on traditional - I like.
A quote:
- Use the right needle for the right job! Big stitch hand quilting requires a needle that is long and slim, but strong, and has a long eye that is not too hard to thread, but not so wide that it hampers you pulling the thread through the layers. It took me years but I finally found the perfect needle! My Sarah Fielke hand quilting needles (and my milliners needles for needleturn applique!) are both available at my website.
And last but not least - probably the best - Wendy Walsh with all her info on big stitch hand quilting on
her blog Wendysquiltsandmore
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